On & Off Ice
Athletic achievement is all about commitment. Commitment to hard work and deliberate practice. To enhance its clients’ chances of achieving their greatest possibilities, 4sports has developed a year-round training, development and personal coaching program. To maximize each player’s growth and development every season, 4sports’ personal on and off ice-coaching team complete a comprehensive player evaluation that leads to the development of individual training programs overseen by our Team of Experts.
Player Development
At 4sports we are dedicated to not only representing but helping our young clients establish strategies and goals tailored specifically to them to assist in their critical development. In each major hockey market our 4sports experts gifted with years of knowledge provide personal coaching, guidance and direction throughout the career of our clients as they develop from a young prospect to a successful professional.
Contract Negotiation
We take great pride in representing the best players in the world. With our extensive experience and Team of Experts we have proven to negotiate outstanding contracts.
Hockey Services:
There is not one way to success. Let’s define together what individual plan is suitable for you to become the best player you can be.
Our dedicated Agents will support you to with Analysis to guide you the right way.
Learn from the best. 4sports offers you selected elite camps.
To train the right way is key to success and maintain a long career. We trust experienced and proven Coaches to bring you to the next level.
What do you want to achieve? Set and pursue your goals, uncompromisingly.
In order to maximize your performance nutrition is one of the major keys to be a winner.
To be mentally strong needs a lot of work and serious guidance from qualified experts.
“My long life in hockey has been an amazing journey filled with challenges and success. I was fortunate enough to play in the NHL for over twenty years and win four Stanley Cups. With 4sports for the last ten years i have had the privilege of representing and mentoring some of the finest young hockey players in the world. I am grateful and honored to share my knowledge with them.”